Crystallize the future
TEKMOF utilizes unique Metal Organic Frameworks (MOF) developed through kinetic-controlled design principles to solve challenges across all sciences and industries dealing with molecules. MOF is crystalline material with cavities that interact with various molecules.
The MOFs we've created, with their strong interactivity, enable high-level molecular trapping functions, allowing unprecedented capabilities in guest adsorption and molecular structure determination.
TEKMOF leverages its proprietary MOF design technology to accelerate innovation in pharmaceuticals, food, environment, energy, and other fields.
Molecular Structure Determination
TEKMOF's multiple MOFs specialized for crystal structure analysis allow us to perform structural analysis of small and medium molecules that are difficult to analyze by HPLC, NMR or MS, including absolute structure determination. Using the world's highest level of excellence in crystallographic analysis, we can handle difficult-to-crystallize molecules and molecules with complex structures.
MOF Products
We sell MOFs for crystal structure analysis, which have greatly improved performance compared to previous MOFs. If necessary, we will provide support for the introduction of crystal structure analysis methods using MOFs and structural analysis consulting services.
MOF Consulting
We provide various consulting services related to research and industrial applications using MOF. We can respond to inquiries in a variety of genres, including structural analysis applications, gas adsorption applications, sensor applications, and catalyst applications. In the laboratory of our founder, Professor Masaki Kawano of Tokyo Institute of Technology, we have developed the basics of MOF by combining technology to create MOFs from ligands based on our own MOF design guidelines and world-class structural analysis technology. We have accumulated technology and outstanding knowledge regarding MOF. On the other hand, through joint research with various companies, we have extensive experience in MOF research aimed at social implementation. We will assist you in both theory and application of MOF.
New MOF Design
We design and test MOFs to meet industrial needs.
For example,
MOF targeted for structural analysis of compounds with specific chemical properties and structures
MOF targeting adsorption of specific gas molecules
MOF for other applications
We will work on these research and development.
Please feel free to contact us.
We take on the challenge of bringing innovation to the field through collaboration with experts in various scientific fields by radically updating scientific infrastructure based on advanced MOF technology.
Research and development of high-throughput crystal structure analysis methods
Comprehensive structural analysis of biomolecules such as natural products and metabolomics, and research and development on new biotechnology derived from them
Creation of other innovative businesses using MOF